Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Top 2 Tuesday!

It's time for Top 2 Tuesday over at The Undomestic Momma's blog

Today's topic is top 2 things you want to do before you die. Post a link in the comment section below if you posted on your blog with your top 2.

1. Become A Mom

2. Live In France


Wow how long has it been? Sorry I haven't posted in a long time but the past couple months have been nothing but school. I just finished my first semester back at school and I survived....barely. I feel like all I did was eat, sleep, and breathe Biology and Chemistry. It's over now so I'm hoping I'll have more time to post some updates.

What's new with everyone? The only thing I can really say is new with me is that we are moving! We found a place that is closer to my school so the drive will be easier for me come September. We'll be moving in the month of July so that should be a busy time. I can't wait!